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Polyimide Tapes

Polyimide Tapes

Polyimide film (similar to Kapton HN) is kind of special engineering plastic film which is achieved by polycondensation of PMDA and ODA in strong polar solvents and through the process of forming film and imine treatment at high temperature.

Polyimide film (similar to Kapton HN) possesses excellent physical, chemical, and electrical properties, atomic radiation resistant, corrosion and solvent resistant, low & high temperature resistant, It performs successfully in the wide range of temperature as low as -452F(-269c) and as high as +500F(+260c).

Because of its unique excellent properties, polyimide film (similar to Kapton HN) is widely used as insulation material in F~H class electric motors, electric locomotive, high temperature cables, backing or cover film of FPCB(flexible printed circuit) applications, aerospace industries and so on.

The items marked * are the inherent properties of Polyimide Film, which are not showed on the testing report for outgoing factory.


Note: The values noted in above technical specification are given only for our customers’ reference and should not be used in writing specifications.

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